How to Complain

At Traveligram, we strive to provide our readers with the best possible content and user experience. However, we understand that sometimes things may not go as expected. If you have a complaint or concern, we want to hear from you so we can address the issue promptly and effectively.

Steps to Submit a Complaint

  1. Identify the Issue:
    • Clearly describe the nature of your complaint. Include as much detail as possible, such as the specific content or page involved, the date and time you encountered the issue, and any other relevant information.
  2. Contact Us:
    • You can submit your complaint through the following methods:
      • Email: Send an email to with the subject line “Complaint – [Issue]” and provide a detailed description of the problem.
      • Contact Form: Use our online contact form available on the Contact Us page. Select “Complaint” as the subject and provide the necessary details.
  3. Include Your Contact Information:
    • Please include your name, email address, and any other contact information so we can reach out to you for further clarification or to provide updates on the resolution process.

Our Complaint Resolution Process

  1. Acknowledgment:
    • Once we receive your complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within 48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email with a reference number for your complaint.
  2. Investigation:
    • Our team will investigate the issue thoroughly. This may involve reviewing the relevant content, speaking with the team members involved, and gathering additional information if needed.
  3. Resolution:
    • After our investigation, we will take appropriate action to resolve the issue. This may include correcting errors, updating content, addressing technical problems, or taking other necessary steps to ensure the issue is resolved.
  4. Feedback:
    • We will communicate the outcome of our investigation and the actions taken to address your complaint. You will receive a response via email or through the contact method you provided.

Response Time

We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. While some issues may be resolved within a few days, others may require more time for a thorough investigation. We will keep you informed throughout the process and provide updates on the status of your complaint.


If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided, you can request that your complaint be escalated to a senior team member. Please reply to the initial resolution email with your concerns, and we will review the case further.

Feedback and Suggestions

In addition to complaints, we welcome feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our content and services. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us at

Thank you for helping us maintain the quality and integrity of Traveligram. Your feedback is invaluable in ensuring that we continue to provide the best possible experience for our readers.

Best regards, The Traveligram Team